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Why was COVID Hiring created?

Over 22,000,000 Americans and over 3,000,000 Canadians have applied for unemployment benefits from mid-March to mid-April alone.  We wanted to do something to help.

COVID Hiring was created with 3 primary driving purposes:

  1. To help people get back to work more quickly.
  2. To help connect companies with some great talent that has been impacted by the current crisis.
  3. To raise funds to support COVID-related relief causes — goal of $100,000.

We noticed there were multiple lists popping up, both company-specific and community-driven, and while these are great the feedback we received from companies we spoke with was that going through dozens of spreadsheets/Airtables and hundreds and hundreds of LinkedIn profiles to find the talent they were interested in was just not efficient.

Similarly, there were multiple lists popping up to help talent identify companies that were actively hiring during the crisis. The result was that available talent had to go through multiple spreadsheets/Airtables and visit dozens of websites to see if they had appropriate jobs.  Again, not efficient.

We wanted to do something useful in a time of need and thought, “why not centralize all the talent lists and available jobs and see if we can help” and hence www.covidhiring.app was born.

Where is the data sourced from?

Our data has been sourced from a variety of opt-in public lists that have been generated by companies that have experienced layoffs as well as some community-driven initiatives.  We also have people signing up directly on the site and creating profiles in order to get exposed to companies that are currently hiring.

If you have a talent list that you have created and would like to get more exposure for your talent list and help your talent get back to work more quickly complete this form.

Where do the proceeds generated by COVID Hiring go and how does this support charitable causes?

We’re glad you asked.  This is definitely a very important component of what we are trying to do here.

Our Founding Sponsor GuruLink has generously agreed to cover the costs of starting and operating www.covidhiring.app and as such 100% of all proceeds generated will go directly to the charities we are supporting.

Our plan is to donate to a variety of different charities that support COVID-related relief causes and to do so in $10,000 increments. Our first partner charity is an awesome grassroots organization called The HomeFront and we will be announcing new partner charities as we near our first $10,000.

Our ultimate goal is to generate $100,000 plus for COVID-related relief causes.

Have a talent list and want to get more exposure, or know of one that is not yet listed on our site?

If you have a talent list, or are aware of one that it doesn’t seem like we have listed on our site (you can view all list by looking at “Categories” under Search Talent and all lists are at the top marked with an asterisk) please complete this form to share your talent list.

I see a company listed that is no longer hiring, how do you update this information?

The list of companies actively hiring has been sourced from multiple lists, but the challenge is this information is constantly changing.  While we do our best to stay on top of this we really depend on our community of users to help us keep this data fresh and accurate.

If you see a company listed that is no longer hiring please complete this form and we will update the information accordingly.

How do I claim or remove my profile?

If you are a hiring company and would like to claim your profile please complete this form.


If you are a candidate and would like to claim your profile or have you information removed please complete this form.

Can I get involved and volunteer to help with this initiative?

We would love your help!  The more help we can get the greater the impact we can have.  If you are interested in volunteering some time or supporting the cause in some way please complete this form.

What does "Post Jobs, Save Lives" mean?!?

We know, it’s a bit cheesy.  But it’s memorable, right? It also speaks to one of our primary objectives which is to help those less fortunate in a time of need. From buying PPE for frontline healthcare workers to supplying meals for underprivileged people our intent is to really make an impact and hopefully save some lives.

We also wanted to create a quick, memorable and shareable phrase that could be turned into a hashtag and hopefully get shared and turn this into a bit of a movement.  We’d love your help with that.

P.S. We’re definitely not marketers :).

How do I support or donate to the cause if I don't want to post jobs?

Great question, we like your style :).

Please complete this form to provide the details of your desired donation amount and we can send you a custom link in the denomination of your desired donation.

You can also donate directly to The HomeFront if you wish, though we are really hoping to track the funds we able to raise through this initiative as well as give recognition to supporters.

Regardless of how you decide to go about it, we GREATLY appreciate your support!!!